429 Seabreeze Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 | coconutsfortlauderdale.com | (954) 525-2421
Despite its proximity to popular tourist attractions, Coconuts Waterfront Restaurant is a favorite among Fort Lauderdale locals. It’s just steps away from the Courtyard Fort Lauderdale Beach that The Plasencia Group transacted in May 2017.
What To Order
Don’t skip the Scoobies (aka “Scooby Snacks”), crab claws sautéed in garlic butter (scooby), as an appetizer. For main dishes, a good range of seafood options, such as the Comfort Bowl with lobster, keeps this restaurant’s fans coming back for more. Wrap up the meal with the substantial ice cream sandwich dessert, but only if you’re dining with enough friends to finish it with you!
Suggested by
Chris Plasencia | (813) 445-8210 | cplasencia@tpghotels.com