Price’s Chicken Coop
1614 Camden Road, Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 | priceschickencoop.com | (704) 333-9866
In a neighborhood full of new high-rise condo buildings, pricey boutiques, and trendy restaurants, Price’s is unapologetically old school. Situated just south of Uptown Charlotte in the city’s South End district, this joint serves up the best fried chicken in the city – salty, crispy, juicy. Price’s is cash only (which is OK because prices are low), takeout only (which is OK because the chicken could use some time to cool down a little bit after coming straight out of the fryer), and has a limited menu (which is OK because you really only have to get one thing: the chicken).
What To Order
The fried chicken. A standard dinner comes with slaw, fries, hushpuppies, and a roll. Grab some sweet tea too to cap off the quintessential Southern meal.
Suggested by
John Plasencia | (813) 932-8263 | jplasencia@tpghotels.com